2023 BECE Inviligation rules, Invigilators should search the private parts of Candidates.

 The Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE), 2023 is scheduled for Monday 7 Friday 11 August across all examination centres in the Municipality.

As part of the Education Directorates effort to ensure free, fair and transparent conduct of 2023

BECE. all Headteachers of Public and Private Schools, Proprietors and Directors of Schools are hereby directed to observe the following rules and regulations governing the conduct of this year's BECE in Weija-Gbowe Municipality:

1. Candidates are to come to the examination centre with ONLY Flat Open Sandals, without socks.

 2. Candidates must be seated in the examination hall thirty minutes before time.

3. Candidates who arrive after the supervisor has given the order to start work will be deemed to have arrived late, and not permitted to write the paper.

4. Supervisors and Invigilators are authorized to thoroughly search all candidates including their private parts before they are allowed to enter the examination hall. They are also permitted to search candidates wearing head coverings including veils. 5. Candidates are advised to ensure that no foreign materials are under their desk since they will be held liable if found.

6. Candidates are advised to use only index numbers provided by WAEC.

7. Candidates whose examination results have been cancelled for resorting to dishonest means may be refused re-entry to future examinations.

8. Candidates should not come to the examination hall with mobile phones, earphones, wrist watch or any electronic devices.

9. Candidates are allowed to use ONLY transparent blue pens.

10. All Headteachers, teachers and unauthorized personnel would not be allowed within the premises of the examination centres.

11. According to WAEC Law, Act 719 (2006) it is a criminal offence punishable by law to engage in any form of examination malpractices.

All Headteachers of both Public and Private Schools, Proprietors and Directors of Schools are by this letter to ensure that all their candidates are educated on the above directives to ensure a smooth. transparent and uneventful examination.

We wish all candidates the best in their exams.

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