Important Notice: Ensuring Compliance with CAGD's Monthly Nominal Roll Submission

Dear validators, 

You’re kindly reminded to assist your heads of departments to comply with the presidential/CAGD’s directive on the monthly submission of the nominal roll.

Pls take note of point 6 & 7 of CAGD’s letter.❗️

Reference to the Government of Ghana letter no. SCR/FB66/372/01/C dated 19th April, 2022 on Expenditure Rationalization Measures and Controller and Accountant-General's Department response with letter no. CAGD/PM/2022/0601 dated 10th June, 2022 to all MDAS/MMDAS (Covered Entities).

As at April, 2023, our records indicate that 25% of the Nominal Roll Data (staff list) from Covered Entities have so far been received. All Covered Entities are by this reminder required to comply with the directive guided by the following:

1. Nominal Roll Data (staff list) should be completed and submitted per the attached template.

2. Covered Entities are to submit their Nominal Roll Data to Regional Directorates and CAGD Headquarters. (See attached for appropriate email address).

3. Monthly Nominal Roll Data from April, 2022 to May,2023 should be submitted by 30 June, 2023.

4. Subsequent monthly Nominal Roll Data should be submitted to CAGD by 15th day of the ensuing month (every other month starting from 15th July, 2023).

5. Heads of Covered Entities are encouraged to use the ESPV Administrative System (Management Report) to confirm their verified staff list to aid in this exercise.

6. Covered entities who fail to adhere to this directive would have their input documents not processed by the CAGD, i.e. "No Nominal Roll Data Report, No Input Processing."

7. CAGD will not hesitate to apply any other sanction it deems fit for non- compliance.

You may contact Michael Arku -Kelly 0268878295/0554428943 or Rebecca Otoo-Larkai 0243814219/0509381615 for further clarification.

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