Pupils forced to swear water deity for allegedly stealing teachers phone.


A school named St. Paul's Anglican basic at wenchi- Jensoso in the Bono East region has their name on the airways. It's always sad once a school's name is mentioned It's either a teacher or students/pupils is the topic for discussion.

A parent gave report on the incident, she said; "I knew Monday was an exam, after I returned home around 10:00pm my children said they cannot sleep because a teacher has made them curse themselves over his stolen phone on Friday, every child took an egg and mention any deity or gods they want and curse themselves if their innocent of the stolen phone the gods should not deal with them but if any of them is a victim to stolen phone then the deity should deal with them. I wondered because I thought the school is a missionary school how come this cursing stuff?, so I reported the case to pastor and he said he knows nothing about it, we then called the teacher whose phone is missing and he confirmed to that. The parent was asked if a drastic action has been taken to take care of the incident, she said no action has been taken, the teacher added that "I was only threatening the pupils to bring out the stolen phone". Parents whose children are involved in this situation are so worried and expecting to hear an update from the school if not the case will be forwarded to the chief and elders of the town.

Hope this impasse will not result to something else. Teachers must be careful on how they react to certain situations which might laterly turn to humiliate them.

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